
Blogs from the expert reviewers at

Is your match coming on too strong? Here’s how to set boundaries without hurting feelings or killing the vibe.

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The Art of Juggling Multiple Matches

Lucky you! Got yourself in a pickle? Here's how to balance multiple matches without losing your mind. Keep your dating life organized and stress-free.

Video Call Nerves? Here’s How to Tame Them

Feeling jittery about that upcoming facetime? Don’t sweat it. These tips will help you feel more confident and make the call a success.

Handling Rejection

Rejection stings, but it doesn’t have to crush your spirit. Learn how to handle it with grace and turn it into a positive step forward in your dating journey.

Dating No-No's: Avoid the Job Interview

Is your DM starting to feel like a job interview? Keep the conversation lively and engaging with these tips to avoid the dreaded Q&A trap

Dealing with Ghosting and Inconsistent Replies

Ghosted again? We’ve all been there. When you’re dealing with someone who’s inconsistent with their replies, it can drive you up the wall. Here's how to keep your cool and navigate the flaky waters of modern dating.

How I Fell for a Catfish and Politely Escaped

Ever been catfished? It’s one of those dating nightmares you hear about but never think will happen to you. Well, it happened to me. Here’s how I got duped by a too-good-to-be-true profile and how I managed to escape with my dignity intact. Trusting my instincts and handling the situation with grace turned out to be the key to navigating this dating disaster.

Jenna Hendrix
Jenna Hendrix

Navigating the Leap from Hinge Date to First Kiss: A Playful Guide

Venturing into the world of dating, especially through apps like Hinge, is like embarking on a thrilling yet unpredictable journey. Among the many exciting milestones is the potential of that first kiss - a moment filled with anticipation and nerves.

Top 10 Red Flags Women Watch For on Hinge

Looking to attract women? Then you DEFINITELY need to avoid these 10 red flags.

The Complete List of Hinge Prompts (2024)

The complete list of 62 prompts. Success Story: Jennifer's Journey to Love

We got in touch with one happy customer, Jennifer. Jennifer's journey on Hinge is a perfect example of how small changes, guided by expert advice, can lead to big results. Discover how Jennifer transformed her Hinge profile after a review from, leading her to a meaningful connection with Alex.

Mastering the Art of Rizz on Hinge: A Modern Dater’s Playbook

Mastering the Art of Rizz on Hinge: A Modern Dater’s Playbook In the dynamic world of online dating, where first impressions are made with a swipe and a text, mastering the art of rizz is more than just a skill – it's an essential tool in your romantic arsenal.

Striking Gold in Conversation: The Art of Crafting Perfect Openers for Men on Hinge

When it comes to breaking the ice on Hinge, the opening line is more than just words – it's the first brushstroke in the canvas of a potential new connection. Women, if you've ever found yourself thumbing the screen, unsure of how to kick off a conversation with a guy, you're not alone.

Guest Room: The Mile-High Letdown - A Tale of Romance and Reality

Samuel here, guest writer for, weaving the tapestry of modern romance through my latest encounter—a tale of connection and introspection set against the backdrop of the Mile-High City. In this story, I unfold the narrative of a Hinge date that soared with potential, only to navigate the unexpected descent into friendship.

Samuel Yardman
Samuel Yardman

10 Creative Ways to Respond to "I'll Fall for You If..." and Avoid Clichés

Are you tired of the same old responses to the dating prompt 'I'll fall for you if...' and looking for ways to stand out?

Double Texting Dilemma: Mastering the Art of Follow-Up Messages on Hinge

Caught in the quandary of sending a second message on Hinge? You're not alone in the Double Texting Dilemma, a modern digital dating rite. Discover the art of timing, tact, and just the right amount of boldness to turn that follow-up message into a potential connection, without stepping over the line.

How Long Should You Chat on Hinge Before Meeting Up?

In the ever-evolving world of online dating, one of the most common questions is: "How long should you chat on an app like Hinge before meeting up?" This is a crucial decision point in your online dating journey, and it's important to get it right. Let's explore the nuances of this decision and when it might be appropriate to take the conversation off-app.

First Date Playbook: The Key to a Winning Hinge Meetup

A simple playbook for first dates. From choosing a laid-back venue to keeping conversations light, all while being authentically you.

Guest Room: Navigating the Minefield of Modern Romance: Decoding the 'Icks' of Men's Profiles on Hinge

Guest writer Jenna Hendrix shares her perspective on her biggest icks from men on Hinge.

Jenna Hendrix
Jenna Hendrix

How to Take a Standout Lead Photo on Hinge: A Comprehensive Guide

Your lead photo is more than just a picture; it's a gateway to your story. It's what prompts someone to pause, engage, and want to learn more about you. A great lead photo conveys confidence, personality, and a glimpse into your life.