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Dealing with Ghosting and Inconsistent Replies

Inconsistent responses can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you’re genuinely interested in getting to know someone. When someone’s responses are all over the place, it can leave you feeling confused and undervalued. Here’s how to handle it with grace and maintain your self-respect.

First, give them the benefit of the doubt. Life happens, and sometimes people genuinely get busy with work, family, or other commitments. It’s important to be understanding and not jump to conclusions immediately. However, if this becomes a pattern and their responses are consistently delayed or sporadic, it’s time to reassess the situation.

Communicate your feelings politely. You can mention that you’ve noticed the inconsistency and express that consistent communication is important to you. Keep it light and non-accusatory. For example, “I’ve enjoyed our chats, but I’ve noticed we don’t always keep in touch regularly. I’d love to get to know you better if we can be a bit more consistent.”

If they continue to be inconsistent despite your conversation, take it as a sign. Don’t let their behavior affect your self-worth. Remember, communication should be a two-way street, and both parties should be equally invested. If they’re not putting in the effort, it might be best to move on and focus on someone who values your time and attention.

Lastly, stay busy and engaged with your own life. Continue your hobbies, hang out with friends, and keep meeting new people. This will help you stay grounded and prevent you from getting too hung up on one person’s inconsistent behavior. There are plenty of people out there who will appreciate and reciprocate your efforts.

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