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Top 10 Red Flags Women Watch For on Hinge

1. The "Too Good to Be True" Profile

If their profile seems perfect, i.e. flawless photos, world traveler, and a CEO at 25 – it might be too good to be true. Real people have flaws. Embrace them!

2. Lack of Personal Details

A profile with little to no personal details might be a sign of a lack of effort or authenticity. Genuine people usually share a bit about themselves.

3. Overly Edited Photos

We all love a good filter, but if every photo looks professionally edited, you might be dealing with a catfish. Look for candid, real-life snaps.

4. All Group Photos

Group photos can be fun, but if every picture is with a group, it can be hard to tell who you're supposed to be swiping on. They might be hiding something.

5. The Ex Talk

If their bio mentions their ex, big big red flag. RUN! You want someone ready to move forward, not someone stuck in the past.

6. Vague Job Descriptions

Job titles like "entrepreneur" or "consultant" can be legitimate, but if it’s all they say, it might be a cover-up. A little more specificity goes a long way.

7. The "Not Looking for Anything Serious" Disclaimer

Ee wary of profiles that emphasize a lack of commitment. If they’re telling you upfront, believe them.

8. Excessive Selfies

A few selfies are fine, but if their entire profile is a collection of selfies, they might be more into themselves than they are into meeting someone new.

9. Constant Gym Pics

Fitness is great, but if every picture is a gym selfie, their true love might be their reflection in the mirror. Balance is key.

10. One-Liners

Profiles full of cliche one-liners ("Just looking for my partner in crime") can be a sign of a lack of effort. Look for originality and authenticity.

Bonus Tip: Trust Your Gut

At the end of the day, trust your instincts. If something feels off, it probably is. Happy swiping!

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