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Video Call Nerves? Here’s How to Tame Them

Feeling nervous about a video call with a new match? You’re not alone. Video call anxiety is a common experience, but with a few tips, you can ease those nerves and make the call more enjoyable.

First, treat the video call like an in-person date. Dress comfortably but presentably, as looking good can boost your confidence. Find a quiet, well-lit spot where you won’t be interrupted, and make sure your background is tidy.

Have a few conversation starters ready. Think about topics you’ve already discussed via text and come up with some follow-up questions or new topics that interest you. This can help ease the flow of conversation and prevent awkward silences.

It’s okay to acknowledge your nerves. Admitting that you’re a bit nervous can actually be a great icebreaker and can make your match feel more at ease as well. Chances are, they’re feeling a bit anxious too.

Focus on active listening. Pay attention to what your match is saying and show genuine interest in their stories and responses. This not only makes the conversation more engaging but also helps you stay present and less focused on your own anxiety.

Remember, the goal of the video call is to get to know each other better, so try to relax and enjoy the conversation. With time and practice, video calls will become less intimidating and more enjoyable.

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